Stand Alone (2016)


Table of Contents


Stand Alone is mixed medium and format journal produced at irregular intervals. The focus is Egoism and the individuals associated with it. Produced by the Union Of Egoists, but individual issues published by different sources.

“The strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone.”–Henrik Ibsen

“If I’m ever to reach any understanding of myself and the things around me, I must learn to stand alone.”–Henrik Ibsen, Nora Helmer, Act III

“Let unholy hands keep aloof from inspired writings, let the laity believe in their old religions and their new philosophies, and let Nietzsche be the philosopher for those only who have to stand alone…”–Oscar Levy


First issue: May, 2016 Last issue: (active) Subtitle: none Editor: Various


SA1000 | EN MARGE No. 1 | May 2016

Published by: Union of Egoists

Issue One Cover

99 facsimile copies of the first issue of Sidney E. Parker’s last journal En Marge (1996). 33 made in the UK on red A4, distributed free with book orders through a British mail order company, 33 on orange 8.5×11″ distributed for free with orders from Underworld Amusements (MD, USA) and 33 on yellow 8.5×11″ distributed for free with orders from Little Black Cart (CA, USA). Facsimile of the original with added text box giving context.

SA1005 | For Love and Money | July 2016

Published by: Underworld Amusements

Issue Two Cover

28 pages, 5.25×8.5″, Saddle-stitched booklet

Limited to 66 copies. 50 available for purchase , 16 used for trades and gifts.

For Love and Money by Leighton Pagan With an introduction by Trevor Blake

Leighton Pagan was the pseudonym of John Badcock Jr., more widely known for his work Slaves to Duty. Pagan was a public speaker and author with an egoist perspective on sex and relations. The topics he addressed and the groups he spoke to show a singular dedication to the individual’s wants (and wantonness) as supreme over society. For Love and Money is a pamphlet collecting two published speeches by this strident individualist. It was promoted as a pamphlet that “EGOISTS SHOULD READ” in the Nietzschean/Egoist journal The Eagle and The Serpent in 1898. A review in the contemporary British journal The Adult said:

“Any who draw their portraits of free lovers from Artemus Ward’s delightful absurdities will regard the distinction of a free lover with a sense of humour as sufficiently unique, but in adding to this gift of writing wittily and luminously on the currency question, Mr. Pagan attains to the miraculous.”

We see there a now wholly obscure reference to Abraham Lincoln’s favorite author (real name Charles F. Browne), who published a story Artemus Ward Among the Free Lovers in 1858. The two sections of For Love and Money were advertised as follows:

1.— The Judgment of Paris—up to date, a lecture given before the Legitimation League, dealing in the most unconventional way with the vital questions of marriage and free love. 2.—The Money Famine, a reprint of an interesting article on the money question from the Free Review.

This facsimile was prepared by Underworld Amusements for the Union of Egoists. A portion of the profits will be used to further the archival, historical, biographical and bibliographical work at

Special thanks to the University of Michigan Library, Joseph A. Labadie Collection.

SA1010 | The Martyrdom of Percy Whitcomb | October 2016

Published by: Underworld Amusements

Issue Three Cover

34 pages, 5.25×8.5″, Saddle-stitched booklet

Limited to 66 copies. 50 available for purchase, 16 used for trades and gifts.

A story written by Erwin McCall (John Basil Barnhill), the editor of the Nietzschean/Stirnerite journal The Eagle and the Serpent. With introduction by Trevor Blake, author of Confessions of a Failed Egoist and Other Essays.

“A sad story of a United States Methodist minister, who, coming to see the falsity of his faith, blows out his brains at a Church Congress at Chicago. The story is told with feeling, and even eloquence; but there is a suspicion of juvenility and rant about it…” –The Freethinker, Volume XVII, Number 42 (October 24, 1897)

“I used to wonder very much why X, Y, and Z, who were so inspired on the theory of Christian brotherhood, never seemed to do anything in the practice of that creed. This was a puzzle to me till I found out who were sitting in the pews of their churches. Real estate robbery, interest and dividends robbery in every form of legitimized plunder, had its representatives in those pews; and these men were the solid members of the church. There is only one thing which could make life tolerable to me–I would have some inducement to life if I could see any possibility of exposing these huge hypocrisies; but no one knows, who has not beaten his head against its seven-walled citadel, how vain are all ordinary methods of attack upon this omnipotent octopus of legalized and Christianized plunderism.” -from Chapter IV

SA1015 | The Eagle and the Serpent Index of Names | December 2016

Published by: OVO

Issue Four Cover

4th issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. Limited to 25 copies. 144 pages, 5×7″, Perfect bound book

The Eagle and the Serpent Index of Names Trevor Blake

The Eagle and the Serpent was a magazine published between 1898 and 1927. This index of more than 2,600 entries includes the given names, pseudonyms, the names of fictional characters and movements named after a person or fictional character found in The Eagle and the Serpent. This index has been prepared to aid the study of the literature of egoism, and to contribute to the history of publishers in London and Chicago.

Trevor Blake is the author of Confessions of a Failed Egoist, Max Stirner Bibliography and other works.

SA1017 | Sidney E. Parker 1993 Interview | January 4th 2017

Published by: Union of Egoists

Issue Five Cover

5th issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. Limited to 33 copies. 32 pages, 5.5×8.5″, Saddle-stitched, 80# Silk Text

Sidney E. Parker interviewed by Tony Gibson January 4th, 1993.

Introduction by Pól O’Sullivan. Edited by S.E. Parker in 1993 & Kevin I. Slaughter in 2016.

Published for the first time January 4th, 2017.

Previously unpublished interview with the late S. E. Parker (1929-2012).

Sid Parker edited a series of anarchist and egoist journals from 1963 to 1994, including Minus One and Ego. This interview with Tony Gibson, previously lost, is the most thorough ever conducted. From being a teenage member of the Communist Youth League, to his discovery (and initial rejection) of Max Stirner, through pacifism, individualist anarchism and ultimately “to emerge as his own man” as an unhyphenated Egoist. Throughout his journey he remained en marge, the outsider. Egoist historian Pól O’Sullivan provides an original introduction.

SA1019 | Max Stirner/Roots of the Right | February 2017

Published by: UoE/Harper & Row

Issue Six Cover

This edition of Stand Alone pairs 45 uncirculated copies of the 1971 Harper Row edition of Max Stirner: The Ego and His Own  accompanied with a special typesetting of Sidney E. Parker’s review of that book titled “Anarchism, Angst, and Max Stirner.” The books are as new, though the just jackets have varying degrees of shelf and storage wear. Part of the “Roots of the Right” series, this is an abridged, edited version of Stirner’s Der Einzige based on Byington’s translation.

SA1020 | Philosophy of Time | March 2017

Published by: 127 House

Issue Seven Cover

Dora Marsden (1882 – 1960) was a suffragette and an egoist. She wrote “The Philosophy of Time” while she was held at Crichton Royal Hospital in Dumfries, England. Her book was a strike against the shackles of Time. Time was the last shackle Dora burst, but it was not the last.

SA1023 | Egoism: The First Two Volumes 1890-1892 | April 2017

Published by: Union of Egoists/Underworld Amusements

Issue Eight Cover

8th issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. Egoism: The First Two Volumes 1890-1892 by Georgia & Henry Replogle (Author), Kevin I. Slaughter (Introduction) 212 pages, 8.5×11″, Perfect bound

Egoism was the first journal explicitly based on Egoist ideas in the English language, and was published by individualist anarchists Georgia and Henry Replogle beginning in 1890. An advertisement from the period stated:

“Its purpose is the improvement of social existence from the standpoint of intelligent self-interest. To gain recognition of the fact, and popularize the idea, that self-pleasure can be the only motive of any act; that any attempt to ignore it must as necessarily be disastrous to human happiness as an attempt to ignore any part of the order of nature. Thus developing a principle for a basis of action about which there can be no misunderstanding, and which will place every person squarely on the merit of his or her probable interests, divested of the opportunity to deceive through pretension, as under the dominance of altruistic idealism. From this basis Egoism will defend the individual against every phase of invasion, whether it be the exactions of political-authority-protected privilege or the decrees of superstition-influenced custom.”

In the late 19th Century a pocket of America was ready for an expression of “rugged individualism” to transform into a more coherent worldview. The greatest articulation of that sprang from German philosopher Max Stirner’s 1844 book Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum. This book serves foundation of Egoism, which is a philosophy of putting the self in the central concern, rather than gods, other men, “mankind” in the abstract. Though relatively unknown compared to other flag-bearers of free thinking individualism like Friedrich Nietzsche, Robert Ingersoll, Ayn Rand and others, the message of Stirner’s book has had a critical impact on many writers and artists who were influential in Europe and America.

Stirner’s great work (published in New York in 1907 as The Ego and His Own), while having no explicit connection to Anarchism, was championed early on by that milieu. First in Germany by John Henry Mackay, who saved Stirner from the dustbins, to writers and radicals in Russia, France, Spain and England.

Here in America, Egoism’s first champions were Georgia and Henry P. Replogle, and British born James L. Walker (aka “Tak Kak”). Contemporaries with publishers Benjamin Tucker (Liberty), Moses Harman (Lucifer the Lightbearer), D. M. Bennett (Truth Seeker) and other radicals, the Replogle’s are not as well known as their more prolific comrades.

The Egoism journal is most notable for first serializing Walker’s The Philosophy of Egoism book, but it also contained writings from and about the anarchist and individualist discussion of the day. While Walker’s book would later be reprinted as a single volume in 1905, issues of the journal itself became scarce and near impossible to access. The journal is important for historians of Anarchism, Individualism and Egoism; three ideas that overlap greatly, but often depart in fascinating ways.

SA1025 | Benjamin DeCasseres Ephemera | May 2017

Published by: Union of Egoists/Underworld Amusements

Issue Nine Cover

Limited edition, 66 copies. Five rare booklets in facsimile edition, all featuring Benjamin DeCasseres.

Clark Ashton Smith: Emperor of Shadows (circa 1923) From Olympus to Independence Hall (1935) I Am Private Enterprise (circa 1943) Sex in Inhibitia (1925) What is a Doodle-Goof? (1926)

Stand Alone is mixed medium and format journal produced at irregular intervals. The focus is Egoism and the individuals associated with it. Produced by the Union Of Egoists.

SA1027 | “I” Vol. 1 No. 1 | June 2017

Published by: Underworld Amusements

Issue Ten Cover

Announcing 10th issue of the egoist journal Stand Alone: a facsimile of Vol. 1, No. 1 of individualist anarchist C.L. Swartz’s journal I. Originally published in July, 1898, it’s filled with gossip of the anarchist milieu of the day, including the desperate need for a translation of Max Stirner’s Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum. It was tipped in the back of a limited hardback edition of The Unique and Its Own, a new translation of Max Stirner’s masterwork, of which only 66 were made. Clarence Lee Swartz (1868-1936) was a long-time collaborator with Benjamin Tucker and author of the 1927 book “What is Mutualism?”

SA1029 | “Benjamin DeCasseres, Sidney E. Parker, Voltairine de Cleyre” | July 2019

Published by:

Issue Eleven Cover

This podcast premieres the first audio episode of Stand Alone (2016) and the 11th issue in the series. Stand Alone is mixed medium and format journal produced at irregular intervals. Our podcast, while sporadic, will be divided into two types. News, topical discussions and interviews will be labelled Der Geist, and the reading of historical works by or about egoism will fall under the Stand Alone banner.

This episode features readings from the work of three figures associated with the history of egoism: Benjamin DeCasseresSidney E. Parker, Voltairine de Cleyre.

Though de Cleyre was not an egoist per se, she was at one point and individualist and through her life struggled between individualism and altruism, trying to reconcile the two. Her writing and life has influenced other egoists and individualist anarchists.

Pieces read, in order: 1:04 – Hate by Benjamin DeCasseres 8:08 – Philosophic Spleen by Benjamin DeCasseres 13:50 – Archists, Anarchists and Egoists* by Sidney E. Parker 29:10 – You and I (poem) by Voltairine de Cleyre

*NOTE: The version read is an is an edited version as presented in the Ardent Press title Enemies of Society: An Anthology of Individualist & Egoist Thought. The original essay was published in Parker’s journal EGO (1982), issue number 8, 1986. The piece as read lacks the initial three paragraphs of the original, and includes, at the end, an additional two paragraphs culled from Parker’s response to a critique of his essay by Fritz R. Ward from the next issue, No 9, published in 1987. I thought something was different when I read the essay, but didn’t realize that material was both subtracted from and added to it in the book form. It was, unfortunately, not made clear in the book and the episode is compiled and ready for release. Though I may have still used Ardent Press’s version, I would have made note in the podcast itself, rather than appending this note to the blog post.

SA1030 | A Critique of Anarchist Communism | August 2017

Published by: Union of Egoists/Underworld Amusements

Issue Twelve Cover

A Critique of Anarchist Communism by Ken Knudson has finally been printed as intended nearly a half-century after it was written.

Bill Dwyer, Editor of the British journal Anarchy, commissioned the essay 1971, but the publication went under before it saw print. Libertarian Analysis sought to publish this essay, but the American quarterly also folded just before it was to appear. A mere excerpt was published in The Voluntaryist by Carl Watner in 1983, but the full essay remained unpublished. Svein Olav Nyberg broke the curse in 1992 when he serialized it across twelve issues of his Egoist e-zine Non Serviam. The essay was then published in parts by egoist-feminist Wendy McElroy at her website

A Critique of Anarchist Communism argues that “Anarchist Communism” is a contradiction in terms. Knudson argues as an Egoist Anarchist inspired by the writings of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, William B. Greene, Benjamin R. Tucker and Max Stirner. A Critique of Anarchist Communism opens wide the divide between socialism and individualism. Not merely a critique, but ultimately an offering of an alternative: mutualism.

This 12th issue of the Stand Alone journal finally publishes the original essay as a single work, with a new Foreword by Mr. Knudson.

80 pages, 5.5″ x 8.5″, Perfect bound

SA1033 | The Right to Ignore the State | Sept. 2017

Published by: Union of Egoists

Issue Thirteen Cover

13th issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. The Right to Ignore the State by Herbert Spencer 16 pages, 5.5″ x 8.5″, Saddle-stitched Limited to 66 copies.

A new 16 page typesetting of Benjamin Tucker’s booklet published in 1907, the same year as his edition of The Ego and His Own by Max Stirner.

It is only fair to the memory of Mr. Herbert Spencer that we should warn the reader of the following chapter from the original edition of Mr. Spencer’s Social Statics, written in 1850, that it was omitted by the author from the revised edition, published in 1892. We may legitimately infer that this omission indicates a change of view. But to repudiate is not to answer, and Mr. Spencer never answered his arguments for the right to ignore the State. It is the belief of the Anarchists that these arguments are unanswerable. -Benjamin R. Tucker

SA1035 | The Walford-Parker Exchange | Nov. 2017

Subtitle/Theme: Published by: Union of Egoists

Issue Fourteen Cover

14th issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. The Walford-Parker Exchange by George Walford, Sidney E. Parker new introduction by Trevor Blake 36 pages, 5.5″ x 8.5″, Saddle-stitched Limited to 66 copies.

The Walford-Parker Exchange, originally published in Ideological Commentary, is gathered here for the first time with a new introduction. In one corner we have George Walford (1919 – 1994) representing “Systematic ideology,” and in another corner Sidney E. Parker (1929 – 2012) representing “Stirnerite egoism.” Is “egoism” contradictory nonsense, or a self-evident description of the world? See these two articulate authors at odds in a friendly, informative exchange.

SA1050 | The Eagle and The Serpent Vol. 2 No. 5 | Jan. 2018

Published by: Union of Egoists

Issue Fifteen Cover

15th issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. The Eagle and The Serpent Vol. 2 No. 5 edited by John Erwin McCall and Malfew Seklew 5.5″ x 8.5″, Saddle-stitched Limited to 66 copies.

Stand Alone A beautiful facsimile made from high resolution scans of an original copy of the September, 1902 issue of the British Nietzschean/Stirnerite journal The Eagle and The Serpent. This issue co-edited by the Sirfessor of Superology Malfew Seklew. Edited by John Basil Barnhill under the name John Erwin McCall.

OUR CREED AND AIM. A race of altruists is necessarily a race of slaves. A race of freemen is necessarily a race of egoists. Freedom cannot be granted. It must be taken.

SA1055 | Max Stirner’s Egoism and Nihilism | Feb. 2018

Published by: Union of Egoists/Underworld Amusements

Issue Sixteen Cover

16th issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. Max Stirner’s Egoism and Nihilism by Larry Alan Schiereck 72 pages, 6″ x 9″, Perfect bound

During the early 1970s a ‘revival’ took place of the philosophy of Max Stirner, born Johann Caspar Schmidt (1806-1856), whose book Der Einzige und Sein Eigentum has been called a ‘revolutionary anarchist manual’, a ‘Banker’s Bible’, a ‘structural model of petit-bourgeois self-consciousness’ and other names since its appearance in 1844. The revival produced the most comprehensive study of Stirner in English to that date, R. W. K. Paterson’s 1971 The Nihilistic Egoist: Max Stirner. While Paterson undertook to review Der Einzige as substantive philosophical discourse, paradoxically, and theologically, he would conclude that Stirner was doing metaphysics, to the point of a solipsistic frivolity. This study examines the fascinating but ultimately unsuccessful, if not buffoonish, case against Stirner by Paterson. I conclude that we should rethink Stirner not as metaphysician but as social critic and educator, a “root”, ground-level or primal thinker, more relevant today than ever. And that his ideas and principles are ready to be spread and put to work now in criticism, current events and art. In this revision my purpose is to de-trivialize Stirner, tweak the paradigm further and introduce new material, with a view to reviving Saint Max where he belongs – in the company of heretics such as Chamfort, Nietzsche, Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, George Orwell, Joseph Heller and George Carlin, to name a few.

SA1060 | What is Man’s Destiny? | March 2018

Published by: Union of Egoists

Issue Seventeen Cover
17th issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. What is Man’s Destiny? by Laurance Labadie introduction by Mark A. Sullivan 5.5″ x 8.5″, Saddle-stitched Limited to 66 copies.

Laurance Labadie begins with the thesis that the State was born under conditions of scarcity, and survived at the expense of other states and its own subjects. Labadie applied egoist Benjamin R. Tucker’s critique of monopoly to a world Tucker declared doomed. Going beyond the “plumb line” of his mentor, Labadie’s portrayal of “civilization” before close of the Twentieth Century is a rival to any nightmare of Orwell. Laurance was the son of anarchist labor advocate and publisher Joseph A. Labadie, and the last true connection to Benjamin Tucker and the group of individualists known as the “Boston Anarchists.” “What Is Man’s Destiny?” was first published in the fourth quarter, 1970 issue of The Journal of Human Relations. The current form is a facsimile of Mark A. Sullivan’s pamphlet edition released in 1975, which included his typed and mimeographed introduction stapled to actual offset prints of the original essay. At the end of the essay is an excerpt from economist Hugo Bilgram’s book The Cause of Business Depressions, and then an editorial statement on that excerpt to place it within the context of Labadie’s essay. The latter was probably written by Don Werkheiser, who was editor of the journal from 1968 to 1971.

Mark A. Sullivan published the egoist/gay/anarchist journal The Stormfrom 1976 to 1988. He was also heavily involved in the Mackay Society, which was dedicated to publish and distribute the work of German anarchist John Henry Mackay. His introduction to “What is Man’s Destiny?,” dated November 1975, was completed only four months after Laurance died. Sullivan would later expand this introduction, with the help of Mildred J. Loomis of the School of Living, into the essay “Laurance Labadie: Keeper Of The Flame.” It was included in a 1986 collection of essays titled Benjamin R. Tucker and the Champions of Liberty. Sullivan co-edited the book with Mike Coughlin and Charles H. Hamilton. The original version of the biographical essay was published in Anarcho-Pessimism: The Collected Writings of Laurance Labadie (Ardent Press, 2014).

SA1065 | The Cynic’s Breviary | April 2018

Published by: Union of Egoists

Issue Eighteen Cover
18th issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. The Cynic’s Breviary by Nicolas Chamfort preface by William G. Hutchison afterword by Friedrich Nietzsche 5.5″ x 8.5″, Saddle-stitched Limited to 66 copies.

“Nature has not said to me: Be not poor; still less: Be rich. But she cries out to me: Be independent.”

Thus begins a collection of wonderful quips and barbs from this revered French writer whose birth name was Sébastien-Roch Nicolas (1741 – 1794). Frequently quoted by the egoist journal The Eagle and The Serpentand admired by Malfew Seklew, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, John Stuart Mill and others. A radical that would skewer whatever reigning powers that be, was one of the first to storm the Bastille, but would also be imprisoned for his criticisms of the Jacobins. After release, when he was threatened with arrest once more, he instead locked himself in a room and shot himself in the face. Failing to kill himself, he stabbed himself in the neck and chest with a paper cutter. Still failing to finish the job, he dictated the following to those who came to arrest him: “I, Sebastien-Roch Nicolas de Chamfort, hereby declare my wish to die a free man rather than to continue to live as a slave in a prison”. This he signed in his own blood.

SA1068 | The Absolute Elsewhere | May 2018

Published by: 127 House

Issue Nineteen Cover

19th issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. The Absolute Elsewhere an interview with Kerry Wendell Thornley Introduction and annotations by Andrew Stephens. 6″ x 9″, Hardbound Limited to 33 copies.

“When I started a few years ago, I thought I’m not going to be able to convince anybody I knew who killed Kennedy. These days it’s hard for me to convince anybody that I’m Kerry Wendell Thornley because I carry identification and I said I wouldn’t.”

FIRST TIME IN PRINT A late-1980s transcribed dialogue between Kerry Wendell Thornley and Allen Greenfield of the Eulis Lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientalis in Atlanta, Georgia. Introduction and annotations by Andrew Stephens.

SA1070 | Rebuilding the World | June 2018

Published by: Union of Egoists

Issue Twenty Cover

20th issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. Rebuilding the World by John Beverly Robinson 5.5″ x 8.5″, Saddle-Stitched Limited to 66 copies.

John Beverly Robinson was an anarchist that was deeply influenced by Max Stirner’s philosophy of Egoism. He wrote a highly recommended essay titled “Egoism” that came out in 1915 and has bee reprinted in books, journals booklets and as a pamphlet by itself many times over. Robinson wrote this essay, titled “Rebuilding the World,” outlining his understanding of anarchism in 1917, and this booklet is a facsimile of a later 1924 edition.

SA1075 | Elbert Hubbard’s The Philistine | July 2018

Published by: Underworld Amusements

Issue Twenty One Cover

21st issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. Elbert Hubbard’s The Philistine by Bruce A. While 72 pages, 6″ x 9″, Perfect bound

John Beverly Robinson was an anarchist that was deeply influenced by Max Stirner’s philosophy of Egoism.

The Philistine was a spearhead of the Arts & Crafts movement in America. This magazine published the works of its editor Elbert Hubbard as well as Stephen Crane, Benjamin DeCasseres and others. W. W. Denslow, illustrator for The Wizard of Oz, was a regular contributor and designed the sea-horse mascot that graced the front covers. Publisher Hubbard also founded the Roycroft movement, and founded a working community of craftsman in East Aurora, NY that lives to this day. The journal was published from 1895 until Hubbard’s death in 1915 aboard the RMS Lusitania. Bruce A. White’s The Philistine: A Periodical of Protest is a unique chronicle of this American journal and its fascinating publisher. Previously published in limited quantities by an academic press, this new and expanded popular edition brings a fascinating history to a wider audience.

Bruce A. White yanked out his New England roots in 1978 and moved to Maryland to start teaching at Gallaudet University. He has retired to coastal Delaware, where he volunteers for service organizations, rides bikes and kayaks, and enjoys simple pleasures with his beloved Barbara.

SA1080 | Little Handbook of Individualism | August 2018

Published by: Union of Egoists

Issue Twenty Two Cover

22nd issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. Rebuilding the World by Han Ryner 5.5″ x 8.5″, Saddle-Stitched Limited to 33 copies.

Han Ryner was the pen name of Jacques Élie Henri Ambroise Ner (1861–1938). A French Individualist Anarchist, he wrote Petit Manuel Individualiste in 1903. Max Stirner’s book in translation (L’unique et sa propriété) had been available since 1899 and while Ryner did not consider himself an egoist (he uses the term derisively in this work) there is philosophical overlap. Some egoists use the terms “individualist” and “anarchist” interchangeably, but “individualism” is not a synonym for “Egoism” any more than “Anarchism” or any other “-ism.” Neither are inherently egoistic, and many have used the terms to advocate quite incompatible philosophies. Pamphlets promoting the ideas of Stirner rolled off the same presses as his Little Handbook of Individualism. A comrade of Émile Armand, Ryner wrote for L’Unique as well as other Individualist Anarchist journals. Ryner brings to the front points of departure and of overlap among anarchists. For example, Ryner rejects egoism as an extreme position, favoring instead a staid, stoic one. Ryner paired Individualist Anarchism with Stoicism and Epicureanism. He cites Socrates, Epicurus, Jesus and Epictetus as positive examples of his conception of Individualism. Ryner was especially enamored with Epictetus’s own handbook. To this, we recommend The Enchiridion: Four English Translations (Portland: A Man of Letters, 2016), featuring an introduction by Trevor Blake.

SA1081 | “To Hell with DeCasseres!” | September 2018

Published by:  Union of Egoists

Issue Twenty Three Cover

23rd issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. “To Hell With DeCasseres!” by Benjamin DeCasseres 4.45″ x 5.5″, Saddle-Stitched Limited to 66 copies.

“To Hell with DeCasseres!” is a short play originally published in booklet form in 1937 by writer Benjamin DeCasseres.

SA1083 | The New En Marge | September 2018

Published by: Sidney E. Parker Archives

Issue Twenty Four Cover
24th issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. The New En Marge, Vol.1 No.1 by Sidney E. Parker Archives 5.5″ x 8.5″, Saddle-Stitched Limited to 66 copies.

SA1084 | Courage by Bart Kennedy | September 2018

Photo of Issue

SA1085 | Liberty Tables of Content | October 2018

Nearly 40 years ago panarchy advocate John Zube put every of copy of Benjamin R. Tucker’s Liberty journal on microfiche as part of his <i>Peace Plans</i> project, and made them available for very little money. You can find out more about his project at

In preparation of the microfiche he created a Table of Content for each issue to assist with readers of his Peace Plans, something I’m not aware of existing elsewhere. The tables, noting author, title and pages number for each issue of Liberty and the German-language Libertas, run seventy-seven pages. Unfortunately, his amazingly interesting and useful work has only been seen by a small number of people who bought his microfiched collected edition of Liberty.

For personal reference, I scanned and prepared this print edition, but am printing a small run of ten total, to make available to others who may be interested.
It is flawed. Some of the text is marred, but he majority of it is legible and the issue numbers listed allows you to quickly access the information you want.
At some point Union Of Egoists would like to transcribe this and make it available online and in print in a better presentation, but personal need moved me to produce a “good enough for now” version.

I have preserved Zube’s two page “Editorial Notes” he included at the end of his contents, written in December of 1980.

—Kevin I. Slaughter
April 1st, 2018

Photo of Issue

SA1087 | Secret Patreon Exclusive| November 2018

SA1088 | A Stuffed Club T-Shirt | November 2018

October’s “issue” of Stand Alone will take the series into a new format: the t-shirt. It will, however, maintain a tradition of obscurity. We’ve designed a shirt for a nutty health journal published by Dr. John H. Tilden (1851-1940), titled A Stuffed Club, published from 1900 to 1915.

During the research for the Underworld Amusements edition of The Gospel According to Malfew Seklew, Trevor Blake and I noticed an advertisement: “DO YOU KNOW WHAT A STUFFED CLUB IS”. No question mark, and wall of text endorsements including one from our man Malfew Seklew. I thought it was interesting enough to follow up on later, but low priority. The journal was part of the Little Journeys series published by Elbert Hubbard. The journal stated “In these pages the reader will find medical advice on everything from dropsy to tuberculosis. This Club aims to train people into such good health they will be normal.” Tilden was a skeptic of pharmaceuticals and believed people would be healthy by lifestyle changes and “eliminating toxins.” All modern medical associations rank him as a “medical quack” and a “food crank”.

SA1090 | Protagoras. Nietzsche. Stirner. | December 2018

Lachmann’s essay Protagoras. Nietzsche. Stirner. traces the development of relativist thinking as exemplified in the three philosophers of its title. Protagoras is the originator of relativism with his dictum “Man (the individual) is the measure of all things”. This in turn is taken up by Stirner and Nietzsche. Of the two, however, Stirner is by far the most consistent and for this reason Lachmann places him after Nietzsche in his account. For him Stirner surpasses Nietzsche by bringing Protagorean relativism to its logical conclusion in conscious egoism-the fulfilment of one’s own will. In fact, he views Nietzsche as markedly inferior to Stirner both in respect to his style and the clarity of his thinking. “In contrast to Nietzsche’s work,” he writes, The Ego And Its Own “is written in a clear, precise form and language, though it avoids the pitfalls of a dry academic style. Its sharpness, clarity and passion make the book truly shattering and overwhelming.” Unlike Nietzsche’s, Stirner’s philosophy does not lead to the replacement of one religious “spook” by another, the substitution of the “Superman” for the Christian “God”. On the contrary, it makes “the individual’s interests the centre of the world.” Intelligent, lucid and well-conceived, Lachmann’s essay throws new light on Stirner’s ideas. —Sidney E. Parker, Ego, No 7, 1986

Photo of Issue

SA1095 | The Nietzsche Movement in England | January 2019

“Let unholy hands keep aloof from inspired writings, let the laity believe in their old religions and their new philosophies, and let Nietzsche be the philosopher for those only who have to stand alone, but who for this very reason need an example and perhaps a guide more than any other.” —Oscar Levy, “The Nietzsche Movement in England”

From Stand Alone JournalThe Nietzsche Movement in England: A Retrospect, A Confession, and a Prospect by Oscar Levy. This booklet contains a sketch of the figures that introduced and often propagandized the German philosopher’s work to the Anglosphere. Oscar Levy oversaw the translation of the first complete edition of Nietzsche’s works into the English language, working with Thomas Common, Anthony Ludovici and others, whom he writes about here.

SA1107 | Anarchism and Individualism | March 2018

This booklet, released by the Sidney E. Parker Archives and the Union of Egoists as part of the Stand Alone series, is a reproduction of one published by Mr. Parker in 1962.

Publishers Note
Our Kind of Individualist
Anarchist Individualism as Life and Activity
The Future Society

In a 1993 interview, Sid gave some background on it:
“…I became more and more interested in what was called individualist anarchism. I then read Max Stirner because I thought he was identified with that school—wrongly I think now, but that was the case then—and I got in touch with Armand, the French individualist anarchist, and he ‘charged’ me to ‘reanimate the individualist anarchist movement in all the countries of the English language’, which I tried to do… I published some of his pieces in English translation… I issued two as leaflets, one while he was still alive; then I got together, after he died, three of his essays, already in English, had them printed by Express Printers, and brought them out as a pamphlet called Anarchism and Individualism.”

SA1110 | BOVARYSM: The Art-Philosophy of Jules de Gaultier | April 2018

Mr. Ellis has been a student of the philosophy of Jules De Gaultier for many years, and in this brochure he has given to the English-speaking world for the first time a complete survey, of the Frenchman’s philosophy of Bovarysm and his great doctrine of universal illusion as the condition of life, together with an exposition of his cosmic aesthetic: life is justified by its spectacular and dazzling beauty without beginning, without end, without ethical purpose. Hence Mr. Ellis’ compound word, “art-philosophy.” “De Gaultier,” says Mr. Ellis, “retains the intellectualism and the disillusioned joy of living of Nietzsche, his Apollinism and his Dionysism. With De Gaultier, the sadness of life is transformed into an aesthetic sensibility, eager to perpetuate the spectacle, to evoke it, to describe it.” His score of books sustain an altitude as high and as serene—serene, above all, when viewing the catastrophes of Man—as Spinoza or Shakespeare. The Beethoven who will put in symphonic form the core of De Gaultier’s vision of God as Supreme Artist of Chance and Beauty, unallied to messianic hopes, has not yet been born. -Benjamin DeCasseres

SA1111 | “As I See: Nietsche” | May 2019

Stephanus Fabijanović was a baker, egoist, anarchist and advocate of the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. This 1920 booklet, reproduced here in facsimile, is a primer of his understanding of the bombastic German’s ideas, containing biographical detail.

SA1113 | Covington Hall’s Satanic Lumberjacks & Southron Rebels | June 2018

This collection of poetry is culled from the three labor journals that Redbeard-inspired Wobbly activist Covington Hall edited from 1913 to 1916: The LumberjackThe Voice of the People, and Rebellion. Hall was known as one of the top poets of the labor movement in the Progressive Era, and he was an writer and teacher for many decades until his death in 1951. Being a member of the Industrial Workers of the World, a labor organization known for pitched street fights and “direct action,” in Hall we find the greatest advocate of the Chicago social-Darwinist Ragnar Redbeard, and that infernal book Might is Right. A book that was highly critical of any paid labor, much less Union organizing. Hall looked past the conflicting parts to focus on the core message: the only foundation for right is the ability to enforce one’s will on others. The poems contained within are from the pen of Hall, but also others that he found worthy to print in his own journals, including “Satanic Socialist” Henry M. Tichenor, author of The Sorceries and Scandals of Satan. They represent that curious melding of Might and Blasphemy and Labor in stirring, sometimes satirical ways. Featuring an introduction by editor-in-chief of Kevin I. Slaugther.

SA1115 | Ludovici’s Zarathustra | July 2019

Anthony Mario Ludovici (1882 – 1971) was one of the first Nietzsche scholars in the Anglosphere, and a philosopher in his own right. A major translator for the first authorized complete works of Nietzsche in English, the Briton had made a living as an artist, and a writer. In his youth he was private secretary to sculptor Auguste Rodin, and later a translator and writer on social topics. He, along with his friend and mentor Oscar Levy, were frequent contributors A.R. Orage’s journal The New Age. This 36 page booklet reprints Ludovici’s chapter-by-chapter notes on Thus Spake Zarathustra, an incredible and sometimes inscrutable work. You can learn more about the early reception of Nietzsche in the Anglosphere in the booklet SA1095 The Nietzsche Movement in England.

SA1120 | Max Stirner Versus Karl Marx | August 2019

Karl Marx and Max Stirner sought to overcome their mentor Georg Hegel in opposing ways, and by opposing each other. In Max Stirner Versus Karl Marx, Philip Breed Dematteis constructs an accessible while scholarly contrast to their conflicts.While this isn’t the “last word” on such a far-reaching subject, it can serve as a strong “first word” for those new to the ideas of these great figures of the philosophical and political history of the West.

SA1125 | The New En Marge V.2 N.1 | September 2019

The Sidney E. Parker Archives announces it has released the second issue of its print only official newsletter: The New En Marge. This annual newsletter publishes photos and facsimiles of items from the life and work of Sidney E. Parker, as well as notices and articles about him and his work. We ask that the contents are not revealed online.

SA1127 | A Brave and Beautiful Spirit: Dora Marsden, 1882-1960 | September 2019

Dora Marsden (1882 – 1960) burst the chains keeping women from education; burst the chains keeping women from the vote; burst the chains of conservative feminism; burst the chains of philosophy, of time and of language. From her near-anonymous birth, to shouting down Winston Churchill, to pioneering publications, to condemnation to decades in a mental hospital, A Brave and Beautiful Spirit by Dr. Les Garner is the first and foremost record of the life of Dora Marsden. Her journals of literature and philosophy were among the earliest to publish James Joyce, Ezra Pound, H. D., Margaret Storm Jameson and T. S. Eliot. She was described as “the Max Stirner of Feminism.” Her works on philosophy and theology have yet to be answered.


“One of the most marvelous personalities that the nation has ever produced. She had, to begin with, the most exquisite beauty of person. She was hardly taller than a child, but she was not just a small woman; she was a perfectly proportioned fairy. She was the only person I have ever met who could so accurately have been described as flower-like that one could have put it down on her passport. And on many other planes she was remarkable” —Rebecca West.

“Had more courage than any other man of the nation.” —Emmeline Pankhurst.

Newly revised, expanded and corrected. New Foreword by the author.

SA1129 | UoE Logo Lapel Pin | October 2019

Our Union of Egoists lapel pin is based on the design of the logo for Georgia and Henry Replogle’s journal Egoism, the first egoist journal published in the English language. While the Union of Egoists has a Patreon, many people may not want to use the service, but would still like to donate money to the project. You can select the price you pay for this pin through the drop down menu.

SA1130 | The False Principle of Our Education | November 2019

“The False Principle of Our Education” Half-page, saddle stitched. 66 copies 20 pages, self cover. SA1130

SA1131 | The Boy of Bethlehem | December 2019

The only book written by Adele Mary “Bio” Terrill DeCasseres, wife of Benjamin DeCasseres. Bio was the granddaughter of Stephen Mack Jr. (a fur trader known as “the first white settler in Illinois”) and an Indian Princess named Hononegah.

Benjamin DeCasseres, in his introduction, says that “the literal doctrine of the virginal birth is a defamation of woman. It is a defamation of life. It is a defamation of sex-love. It is a blasphemy against Nature. It is a doctrinal crime against normal biological processes… It shames sanity and the flesh. It excommunicates Desire, the mother of art, genius, of all that is beautiful and of all that justifies life.” Further, Ben states: “(Jesus) was not a God become man, but he was something immeasurably greater—a man become as a God through the necromancy of Art. He attained divinity on the wings of genius.” It is in this spirit that this story of the Bastard of Bethlehem proceeds.

SA1133 | The Superman in America | January 2020

SA1135 | With Claw and Fang | February 2020

The infamous late 19th-century book Might is Right has secured a unique place in the literature of extremism. Unlike so many utopian manifestos of the day, the bombastic yet lyrical text attributed to Ragnar Redbeard (a pseudonym) sought to upend all egalitarianism, all theism, and all political idealism. Such sacrosanct values were, by Redbeard’s stentorian decree, swept into the garbage bin—to be replaced with the singular might. To be sure, the author did not posit this to be a good way, or the best way, but merely the only way things exist and prosper: struggle and strife as the eternal state of life, even when gowned in the pious sackcloth of the church or the saffron sheets of the temple.

Since its original publication in 1896, the influence of Might is Right has been found in curious places, from syndicalist broadsides of the IWW to the canonical texts of the Church of Satan, but perhaps the most surprising historical example of literary “Redbeardiana” traces to the puritanical paraphrasis of a largely forgotten American writer named Julia “Bernie” Babcock.

Following the death of her husband in 1897, the 29-year-old Babcock turned to writing as a means of earning income for her large family. She found some early success and her work was championed by one of the oldest (still active) political parties in the United States: the Prohibitionist Party. It was during her brief residence in Chicago at the turn of the 20th century that Babcock most likely came across Ragnar Redbeard’s inflammatory book, which had already caused a stir in the anarchist and unionist milieu of the time in the US and abroad. She used the book as many others have since her time: as uncredited primary source material for her own work. The result of her effort was With Claw and Fang: A Fact Story in a Chicago Setting, a bizarre novel of prohibitionist agitprop that depicted anarchists conspiring with liquor barons to corrupt the hearts and minds of good Christian people. Babcock’s lurid tale was intended as nothing less than a full-on assault on what she believed to be the greatest enemy of civility: “Personal Liberty.”

While it may be tempting for contemporary readers to mock Babcock’s moral rectitude and to dismiss her novel for its prudish melodrama and flat caricatures, the independent historian Trevor Blake (author of Confessions of A Failed Egoist, Underworld Amusements, 2014) favors a more nuanced consideration of her life and work. In his introduction to this new edition of With Fang and Claw, Blake reveals the author to be a sympathetic and even fascinating woman of her time. As an individual Miss Babcock proved to be a singular cultural force who, through a curious connection to HL Mencken, founded a local historical museum that today has a budget of hundreds of millions of dollars. She was a widowed mother of five children who deployed her skills as a polemicist rather than accept handouts.

If Bernie Babcock is remembered for nothing else, we may yet marvel that her ironic appropriation of a firebrand scribe served to introduce one of history’s most blasphemous tomes to many good Christian soldiers. Indeed, she would have them read Redbeard’s introductory pronouncement: “I dip my finger in the watery blood of that Lamb of God, that impotent mob-redeemer, that bastard Jew, and write above his thorn-torn brow ‘King of eunuch virtues! Fraud! Liar! Fiend!’”

SA1137 | Dora Marsden Bibliography | March 2020

The published works of Dora Marsden, street-fighting suffragette, pioneering publisher and madhouse philosopher. Includes her journals “The Freewoman,” “The New Freewoman” and “The Egoist,” where significant works by James Joyce, Ezra Pound, H. D., Margaret Storm Jameson and T. S. Eliot first appeared; her books of philosophy, a list of works about her and selected quotes by her.

SA1140 | The Illusion of Anarchism | April 2020

“Anarchists are an interesting body of people whom governments take too seriously and who, unfortunately, do not take themselves seriously enough.”  So begins Dora Marsden in this essay from The Egoist

The Illusion of Anarchism was written in September 1914. Anarchism was so avant that Kropotkin was still alive. Britain was taking its first steps into World War One. The world was not yet on fire, but Dora was ready to stoke the flames against anyone who would dampen them. 

Against the mutalist murmmering of anarchism comes Dora’s egoist exhortation that “men do not act after the anarchistic fashion one towards another. They are friendly and affectionate animals in the main: but interests are as imperative with them as with the tiger and the ape. [The world] is a bundle of interests, and falls to those who can push their own furthest.” But by its conclusion, The Illusion of Anarchism offers “the stirrings of a power sufficient” for anarchists willing to set aside their illusions.

SA1145 | La ‘Bande à Bonnot’ | May 2020

The Bonnot Gang (La Bande à Bonnot) was a French criminal anarchist group that operated in France and Belgium during the Belle Époque, from 1911 to 1912. Composed of individuals who identified with the emerging illegalist milieu, the gang used cutting-edge technology (including automobiles and repeating rifles) not yet available to the French police.

This facsimile of La “Bande à Bonnot” was made from a second-generation copy of the circa 1969 Solidarity Bookshop Publications edition. It is part of the Stand Alone journal project, published by

The authorship is attributed to “Ezra Brett Mell”, though this is an anagram of the name of the real author, Albert Meltzer.

SA1150 | I Beheld Redbeard: An Interview with Darrell W. Conder | October 2020

“I Beheld Redbeard: an Interview with Darrell W. Conder” was first published as “MIGHT IS RIGHT!” in the Italian journal Occidental Congress in January 2010. It featured an extensive introduction written by Max Ribaric and the interview was conducted by Max Ribaric and Davide Maspero over the months of April and May in 2009. I thank the publishers for making the original English questions and responses available, and for permission to print. 100 copies were printed to be distributed exclusively by Underworld Amusements with the 2020 release of Rival Caesars: A Romance of Ambition, Love, and War.

SA1155 | Ink-Stained Imp and the Pugilist Painter | August 2020

Benjamin DeCasseres (1873–1945) and George Luks (1867–1933) were artists who grew up in Pennsylvania but would become irrevocably connected to their adopted home of New York City.
DeCasseres was a poet, journalist and legendary drinker. Luks was a painter, illustrator, former boxer and legendary drinker.
That they would become friends and frequent companions at some of the famous drinking holes in New York was inevitable, that they would collaborate on a book was fate. But fate also put the Ashcan School painter into a lethal drunken fistfight before that book could be published. DeCasseres lived for many more years, eventually having to give up drinking for his own health.
This booklet connects these two men by illustrating their work, and providing a glimpse into the nearly lost book that never was.

SA1160 | Dora Marsden: Vida y obra | September 2020

For the first time, a biographical sketch and collection of quotations by Dora Marsden has been published in the Spanish language. The Union of Egoists has collaborated with El errante journal to produce this booklet, showcasing the work of editor León Dario, and offering the fist non-English issue of the journal.

SA1170 | “Might is Right” Lapel Pin | November 2020

This lapel pin, the size and shape of a .32 S&W round, is emblazoned with the egoist motto “Might is Right.” It is issued as part of the multi-format journal “Stand Alone”.

SA1172 | Hyde Park Orator Illustrated, Hardback | December 2020

Hyde Park Orator Illustrated by Bonar Thompson (1888–1963).
Newly typeset and expanded autobiography of the greatest free thinker ever to grace Speakers Corner. With illustrations, index, bibliography, and an afterword exclusive to this edition.
Limited edition of twenty numbered copies.

SA1175 | Hyde Park Orator Illustrated, Paperback | January 2021

Hyde Park Orator Illustrated by Bonar Thompson (1888–1963).
Newly typeset and expanded autobiography of the greatest free thinker ever to grace Speakers Corner. With illustrations, index, bibliography, and an afterword exclusive to this edition.

SA1180 | The Individualist by Ben DeCasseres | February 2021

Information to be added.

SA1185 | The Gospel of Power | March 2021

Essays by Dora Marsden (1882 – 1960) from her journal The Egoist. Introduction, annotations, glossary and index by Trevor Blake, author of Dora Marsden Bibliography.

SA1190 | Against Words: A Dora Marsden Sketchbook | April 2021

This booklet serves as a polemic for individualism by way of introduction to Georges Palante. Through a series of quotations and from the Frenchman, followed by his own explication, DeCasseres expounds on his own ideas.

SA1200 | Works of DeCasseres Vol. 1 | May 2021

In 1936 Benjamin DeCasseres took it upon himself to try to publish as much of his own work as he could. He paid for the printing himself through “Blackstone Publishers.” In the following three years he published 23 booklets resulting in over 1,200 pages of material.
These booklets were bound into three volumes and released at The Works of Benjamin DeCasseres in a limited edition.
This trilogy is being released as three issues of the Stand Alone journal project. This is a facsimile edition, with continuous folios and tables of contents added. 

Volume One
1. Exhibitionism: A New Theory of Evolution (1936)
2. The Individual Against Moloch (1936)
3. Black Suns (1936)
4. The Eternal Return (1936)
5. The Eighth Heaven (1936)
6. Jules DeGaultier & LaRochefoucauld (1936)
7. The Elect and the Damned (1936)
8. Saint Tantalus (1936)

SA1201 | Works of DeCasseres Vol. 2 | June 2021

Volume Two
9. The Adventures of an Exile (1936)
10. I Dance With Nietzsche (1936)
11. Broken Images (1936)
12. Raiders of the Absolute (1937)
13. Fantasia Impromptu (Part 1) (1937)
14. Spinoza Against the Rabbis (1937)
15. Fantasia Impromptu (Part 2) (1937)
16. Chiron the Centaur (1937)

SA1201 | Works of DeCasseres Vol. 2 | July 2021

Volume Three
17. Fantasia Impromptu (Part 3) (1937)
18. The Last Supper (1937)
19. Fantasia Impromptu (Part 4) (1937)
20. Sir Galahad: Knight of the Lidless Eye (1938)
21. Fantasia Impromptu (Part 5) (1938)
22. Saint Tantalus (Part 2) ([1938])
23. Fantasia Impromptu (Part 6) (1938)

SA1205 | Might is Right: 1927 Facsimile & Leaf Edition | August 2021

Author: Ragnar Redbeard / Arthur Desmond
Introduction: Kevin I. Slaughter
Publisher: Underworld Amusements
Pages: 192 Size: 6.25×9.25″
Release date: August 2021

This book is a hardback full-color photographic facsimile of the 1927 edition of Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard, published by Dil Pickle Press of Chicago. It was the last edition printed during the author’s lifetime.

This new edition features a brief introduction by Kevin I. Slaughter, who designed and published the volume. The publisher has signed and numbered the books.

This limited edition is printed in full color and features an actual tipped-in page from the book used to create it. Editions published during the author’s lifetime are extremely rare. The possibility of owning an original copy, or even a single page of this book, has been near-impossible.

This is the first time a leaf edition has been made available, and the first time a high-quality facsimile edition has been published.

SA1210 | On Active Service | September 2021

On Active Service: Items in the History of the People’s Movement in Australia
5.5×8.5″, 44 pages, saddle-stitched

Eccentric Australian anarchist J.A. Andrews writes about his experience with the labor activist groups, including the Active Service Brigade, where he worked side-by-side with Arthur Desmond, popularly known by his pen name Ragnar Redbeard. The last chapters are his experiences in prison. This memoir was published over eleven installments in the Australian newspaper The Tocsin, between May and July 1900.

SA1215 | Voluntary Socialism | October 2021

Voluntary Socialism: A Sketch
Francis Dashwood Tandy
6×9″, 192 pages, perfect bound

Francis Dashwood Tandy (1867–1913) was frequently asked, “Can you recommend some book which will give me a brief but lucid outline of your ideas?” Despite the excellent existing literature on “voluntaryism,” nothing stood out as a primer on the subject, so he wrote Voluntary Socialism.
Tandy was part of the “Denver Circle,” a handful of thinkers who worked their ideas out in the pages of radical journals. Age of Thought, and other journals edited by Edward H. Fulton hosted their writing, as well as Benjamin R. Tucker’s Liberty. Tucker was one of the most influential figures associated with a school of thought known as individualist anarchism. Tandy’s book was one of the first in America to give serious treatment to philosophical egoism, a worldview first articulated by the German post-Hegelian philosopher Max Stirner in 1844.
Voluntary Socialism gives a well-considered introduction to his milieus’ views on banking, profit, transportation, personal freedom, and more. Tandy’s anti-state socialism, founded on egoism and evolution, still echoes in modern libertarian circles and post-left writers to this day.

SA1217 | Man-Eating and Man‑Sacrificing | November 2021

Man-Eating and Man Sacrificing
5.5×8.5″, 20 pages, saddle-stiched

Originally published uncredited in Charles Dickens’ journal All the Year Round Number 868 (July 18, 1885), “Man-eating and Man-sacrificing” was discovered while researching the reference material used by Arthur Desmond in writing his infamous book Might is Right. It heavily informs Chapter 4, “Man—The Carnivore!”

While Might is Right is often dismissed as a mere “rant” or “screed,” it was only in tearing the book apart sentence-by-sentence that the actual depth of literary references and allusions was discovered. Many sources were tracked down for innumerate, often uncited, references. All of these have been documented in Might is Right: The Authoritative Edition, and this booklet, featuring a short Afterword by Trevor Blake and Kevin I. Slaughter, is a means to provide the curious with the full context of one of those uncredited citations, first noted in AMiR 4.1:3n2*.

Stand Alone is a mixed medium and format journal produced at irregular intervals. The focus is Egoism and the individuals associated with it. Produced by the Union Of Egoists with individual issues published by different sources.

*Might is Right: The Authoritative Edition, Chapter four, section one, paragraph three, note two.

SA1220 | “TYPE” Letterpress Broadside | December 2021

SA1221 | Max Stirner: Especial Frases | January 2022

SA1225 | Max Stirner and the Philosophy of the Individual | March 2022

SA1227 | Speaker’s Corner Anthology | May 2022

SA1230 | Immorality as a Philosophic Principle | July 2022

SA1235 | Primitives | September 2022

SA1245 | The Communist-Parasite State | November 2022

SA1246 | Individual Action at | January 2023

SA1247 | Max Stirner and the German Followers of Proudhon | March 2023

SA1250 | The Radical Book Shop of Chicago | April 2023

SA1252 | Parents: What Are They Good For? | July 2023

SA1255 | “Business Letter Opener” | August 2023

SA1260 | The Red Sect | September 2023

SA1275 | Diary of a Suicide | October 2023

SA1280 | A Secret Hit | November 2023

SA1282 | Might is Right (Covington Hall) | February 2024


SA1283 | Battle Hymns of Toil | May 2024

SA1290 | Tak Kak’s Liberty | August 2024