
There are things we’d love to see, this is a list of them. Please use our CONTACT page to get in touch if you have an item listed or have a lead on it.

You can gift us something from our Amazon.com Union of Egoists Wishlist at any time.

Books & Pamphlets
The Definition of the Godhead by Dora Marsden (1928)
The Mysteries of Christianity by Dora Marsden (1930)
The Philosophy of Time by Dora Marsden (1955)
Rhapsody on Reality by Malfew Seklew (~1908)
Mighty Men of Old by Laurence R. Vance (date unknown)

Any original, photocopy or high-resolution scan of an egoist journal that is not available online.

Original letters of any of our featured authors.
Original photographs of any of our featured authors.
Original signed books of any of our featured authors.
Superite Tie Frame (see: Malfew Seklew).
Forty Years of Soap-Boxing by Malfew Seklew (manuscript circa 1938)