Modern Slavery (2012)

Table of Contents


Modern-Slavery-1-CoverModern Slavery’s website describes it as:

Modern Slavery is a meeting space for all those interested in moving on beyond the dead-ends of ideology and postmodern fashions. Modern Slavery is for anyone and everyone interested in choosing to live their own lives to as great an extent as possible here and now. Modern Slavery is not the place to read the latest theories about organizing the masses, buying ecology-friendly commodities or reforming capitalism through direct democracy, neighborhood associations, industrial unions or abolishing the Federal Reserve! Modern Slavery is written, edited and published for those who think and act for themselves and want to encourage others to do so here and now and always.


Modern Slavery | Issue 1 | Spring/Summer 2012
Subtitle/Theme: The Libertarian Critique of Civilization
edited by: Jason McQuinn
size: x | pages: x | price: $12.95
Issue One Cover

EDITORIAL: The Archimedean Point? Self-Activity by Jason McQuinn 2
MODERN SLAVERY Notes: New Journal on the Planet! by Jason McQuinn 4
An Introduction to Modern Slavery by Jason McQuinn 6
John Brown’s Body: 150 years is a long time to moulder by Paul Z. Simons 11
Notes on Abolitionism & Anarchism by François Gardyn 15
A Plea for Captain John Brown by Henry David Thoreau 27
Mutual Acquiescence or Mutual Aid? by Ron Sakolsky 41
The Situationists and Beyond: Introduction to The Old World is Behind You by Karen Goaman 52
Oppositional Currents and the Art of Anthropology: Chapter 1 of The Old World is Behind You by Karen Goaman 59
Introduction to Strangers in an Alien World by Wolfi Landstreicher 85
Living in an Alien World: Chapter 1 of Strangers in an Alien World by Wolfi Landstreicher 86
Hunting Seasons: Fiction by Lang Gore 95
Beautiful Losers: The Historiography of the IWW by Bob Black 104
Direct Action by Voltairine de Cleyre 141
Mutual Utilization: Relationship and Revolt in Max Stirner by Massimo Passamani 151
Clarifying the Unique and Its Self-Creation by Jason McQuinn p.158 158
Anarchist Individualism as Life and Activity by E. Armand 180
PUBLICATION NOTES by Jason McQuinn 183
PERIODICAL REVIEWS: i reviewed by Jason McQuinn 184
REVIEWS: Max Stirner’s Dialectical Egoism reviewed by Wolfi Landstreicher 186
Twilight of the Machines reviewed by Jason McQuinn 192
Nihilist Communism reviewed by Jason McQuinn 195
Begin at Start reviewed by Wolfi Landstreicher 197

Modern Slavery | Issue 2 | Fall/Winter 2012-13
Subtitle/Theme: The Libertarian Critique of Civilization
edited by: Jason McQuinn
size: x | pages: x | price: $12.95
Issue Two Cover

Ideology and Libertarian Theory by Jason McQuinn
MODERN SLAVERY Notes: What happened to the Anarchist Press? by Jason McQuinn
An Introduction to Modern Slavery: Part 2 by Jason McQuinn 8
Curtains of Blood: A Peek behind the Phenomena of the Grand Guignol by Paul Z. Simons 11
Raoul Vaneigem: The Other Situationist by Jason McQuinn 25
A Surreal Interview with an Anarchist: Ron Sakolsky 34
Anarchy in the UK: Anarchistic Currents: Chapter 2 of The Old World is Behind You by Karen Goaman 62
The Greatness of my Hostility: Chapter 2 of Strangers in an Alien World by Wolfi Landstreicher 89
Necropolis, Chapter 1 by Bruno Massé 102
Slavery & Slack: Part 1 – Slavery by J.T. Winogrond 110
Anarchy on the Market? A Review Essay on Kevin Carson’s Notes on Mutualist Political Economy by Wolfi Landstreicher 170
PERIODICAL REVIEWS: Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education and Society – reviewed by Jason McQuinn 185
History of Reaction by Max Stirner – reviewed by Lawrence Stepelevich 189
American Uprising: The Untold Story of America’s Largest Slave Revolt by Daniel Rasmussen – reviewed by Paul Z. Simons 194
PUBLICATION NOTES: Adbusters & Alternatives to EMS by JM 200

Modern Slavery | Issue 3 | Spring/Summer 2014
Subtitle/Theme: The Libertarian Critique of Civilization
edited by: Jason McQuinn
size: x | pages: x | price: $12.95
Issue Three Cover

 The Slave Syndrome by Jason McQuinn 4
MODERN SLAVERY Notes: Can We get Serious? by Jason McQuinn 6
An Introduction to Modern Slavery: Part 3 by Jason McQuinn 7
Illegalism: Why Pay for the Revolution on the Installment Plan…When you can Steal One? by Paul Z. Simons 8
Critical Self-Theory:The Non-ideological Critique of Ideology by Jason McQuinn 35
An Interview with Manolo Gonzalez: On anarchist culture in the Spanish Revolution 62
The Situationists and May ’68: Chapter 3 of The Old World is Behind You by Karen Goaman 74
The Greatness of my Ambition: Chapter 3 of Strangers in an Alien World by Wolfi Landstreicher 93
Slavery & Slack: Part 2 – Slack by Joseph Winogrond 104
Chomsky on Anarchism or Chomsky on the Nod? A Review Essay on Noam Chomsky’s Chomsky on Anarchism by Bob Black 140
The Mysteries of Paris reviewed by Max Stirner – translation and introduction by Lawrence Stepelevich 172
Decolonizing Anarchism by Maia Ramnath – reviewed by Paul Z. Simons 180
A Moral Sermon on Debt: David Graeber’s Debt: The first 5,000 Years: A Review Essay by Wolfi Landstreicher 182
Max Stirner edited by Saul Newman – reviewed by Jason McQuinn 197