War Versus Industry by Thomas Common

1845-1945, Benjamin R. Tucker, Clarence Lee Swartz, Historical Work, Letters, Liberty, Ragnar Redbeard, The Eagle and The Serpent, Thomas Common, Trevor Blake

  Notwithstanding some very excellent arguments in your two articles on Nature’s decrees concerning industry and militarism, I hardly think question is finally settled. It is not us to put on our seven-league boots and go on a tour of inspection among European nations during the past 2000 years. If we wished to determine the […]

January 23, 2019

SA1095 | The Nietzsche Movement in England | Oscar Levy

1845-1945, Stand Alone

The Nietzsche Movement in England: A Retrospect, A Confession, and a Prospect by Oscar Levy 24 pages, saddle-stitched, self-cover Stand Alone SA1095 Available at Underworld Amusements “Let unholy hands keep aloof from inspired writings, let the laity believe in their old religions and their new philosophies, and let Nietzsche be the philosopher for those only who […]

January 16, 2019