“I sing only the Ego and the individual.” | Announcing MaryMacLane.com

1845-1945, 1946-Today, The Eagle and The Serpent / Tuesday, January 1st, 2019

“I sing only the Ego and the individual. So does in secret each man and woman and child who breathes, but is afraid to sing it aloud.”—Mary MacLane

We are very pleased to announce a friend of the Union of Egoists project has launched his own dedicated website for documenting the life and work of Mary MacLane. The head of the new site, Michael R. Brown, has been dedicated to documenting and reviving Mary’s life and work for years, and we have to assume this website is a signal that he’s moving well ahead on his biography A Quite Unusual Intensity of Life: The Lives, Worlds, and Works of Mary MacLane. We look forward to seeing their website evolve, and the books he has planned.

Since his website thoroughly documents her life, you can go there for more information for now, but I did want to share one direct link of Mary to the UoE project. It was in one of the last issues of one of the greatest egoist journals, The Eagle and The Serpent (1898), that announced the receipt of Mary’s memoir The Story of Mary MacLane. “Mary agrees with us that the devil alone can save the world,” they say, to preface a choice selection of egoistic quotations from the book.

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