SA1060 | What is Man’s Destiny? | Laurance Labadie & Mark A. Sullivan

1946-Today, Laurance Labadie, Stand Alone

A beautiful facsimile made from high resolution scans of an original copy of the 1975 booklet. 17th issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. What is Man’s Destiny? by Laurance Labadie introduction by Mark A. Sullivan 5.5″ x 8.5″, Saddle-stitched Limited to 66 copies. Order:  Underworld Amusements “All through history invasion, conquest, subjugation, enslavement and […]

March 2, 2018

Henry Bool – Two Types: Patriot and Anarchist


Henry Bool, editor of “Liberty Luminants” collections mentioned in the previous post, can also be found in Benjamin R. Tucker’s Liberty, Volume 15, No 5.  Below you’ll find a short piece by Tucker, followed by a letter from a disgruntled “Patriot.” As an additional note, the Labadie Collection contains correspondence of Henry Bool: Consists of […]

October 17, 2016