Miguel Giménez Igualada (1888-1973)

Igualada was born in Iniesta, Spain. From October 1937 to February 1938 he published Nosotros, an individualist-anarchist journal founded by Rodolfo González Pacheco. Nosotros (“Us” or “We”) included work by É. Armand. Igualada was the publisher of the fourth Spanish-language edition of Der Einzige und sein Eigentum by Max Stirner, and wrote an introduction to that edition. At the close of the 1930s he moved from Spain to France, then Argentina, then Uruguay and finally to Mexico, where he remained for the rest of his life.

“El individuo […] defiende su personalidad contra toda exterior imposición […] y aquí radica toda la gran belleza de su ética, defiende y ampara y estimula y realza la personalidad ajena, no queriendo imponérsele.” (Anarquismo, 1968)

The individual […] defends his personality against all external imposition […] and this is the great beauty of his ethics, defending and protecting and stimulating and enhancing the personality of others, not wanting to impose himself on them.”