1845-1945, Benjamin R. Tucker, Friedrich Nietzsche, George Schumm, Letters, Max Stirner, Steven T. Byington

Benjamin R. Tucker on Nietzsche and the War, making a braille edition of Stirner for Hellen Keller.

October 2, 1914 London Dear Mr Schumm: I have heard from the Hetzels (as indeed you have written me yourself) that you think me mistaken regarding Nietzsche’s responsibility for the war. I enclose a letter from Wm. Archer to Gerhardt Hauptmann, showing that not only archer, but Hauptmann himself, takes my view. How do you […]

1845-1945, Max Stirner, Reviews

“Max Stirner´s Anarchist Gospel” a review from “Current Literature,” 1907.

Max Stirner´s Anarchist Gospel Sixty years ago, a book entitled “Der Einzige und sein Eigentum” (generally translated “The Individual and his Property”) was published in Berlin. It has been described as “the most revolutionary book ever written,” and its author. Max Stirner, was perhaps the leading intellectual precursor of modern philosophical anarchism. When he died, […]

1845-1945, 1946-Today, Book, Der Geist, En Marge, Historical Work, Housekeeping, News, Stand Alone

Third anniversary of UnionOfEgoists.com

The Union of Egoists project was announced to the public April 1st, 2016 with the release of Trevor Blake’s Max Stirner Bibliography. UnionOfEgoists.com is not an organization. We do not hold public events and you cannot join. But there have been public events, journals, books and more, with an intent to be ongoing that promoted […]

1845-1945, 1946-Today, Historical Work, Max Stirner

John Henry Mackay’s 1927 introduction to Der Einzige…

Readers should know that John Henry Mackay single-handedly saved Max Stirner from the dustbins of history, and part of that was writing the only book-length biography of Stirner titled Max Stirner: sein Leben und sein Werk (1898, 1910, 1914).  It was Hubert Kennedy who, in 2005, published the first and only translation of that biography as Max Stirner: […]

1946-Today, Laurance Labadie, Stand Alone

SA1060 | What is Man’s Destiny? | Laurance Labadie & Mark A. Sullivan

A beautiful facsimile made from high resolution scans of an original copy of the 1975 booklet. 17th issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. What is Man’s Destiny? by Laurance Labadie introduction by Mark A. Sullivan 5.5″ x 8.5″, Saddle-stitched Limited to 66 copies. Order:  Underworld Amusements “All through history invasion, conquest, subjugation, enslavement and […]

1845-1945, 1946-Today, Book, Kevin I. Slaughter, Max Stirner, Sidney E. Parker, Stand Alone, Trevor Blake

SA1090 | Protagoras. Nietzsche. Stirner.: Expositors of Egoism | Benedict Lachmann

Protagoras, Nietzsche, Stirner: Expositors of Egoism by Benedict Lachmann translated by Edward Mornin foreword by Kevin I. Slaughter appendix by Trevor Blake Stand Alone SA1090 Available at Amazon.com or Barnes & Nobles or Underworld Amusements Finally, the 1985 translation of Benedict Lachmann’s 1914 work on Egoism has been published, after being lost for 33 years. […]

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Featured here are Authors who wrote about egoism. Authors are exclusive to the years 1845 – 1945, Archivists come after. UnionOfEgoists.com will provide capsule biographies and bibliographies for each of our honored guests. In time, we  add images, quotes and criticism and other additional details. Return here often to see our growth! To be added: […]

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Der Individualistische Anarchist (1919)

Der individualistische Anarchist was edited and published by Benedict Lachmann (1878 – 1941). As a young man frequenting bohemian circles he met John Henry Mackay, who introduced him to the egoism of Max Stirner. Lachmann wrote Protagoras, Nietzsche, Stirner / ein Beitrag zur Philosophie des Individualismus und Egoismus (Protagoras – Nietzsche – Stirner / A […]