I am personally very proud to announce that the Union of Egoists is launching another archive project website,* dedicated to one of the latter half of the 20th century’s most important Egoists: Sidney E. Parker (1929-2012).

SidParker.com is a fledgeling tribute to seemigly the first person to pick Egoism back up after World War II, at a time when public involvement in Anarchism, and other fringe political movements seemed to be at an all time low.
With never before published material, from his angsty teenage poetry, to documenting his journals and publishing never before seen photos and commentary, SidParker.com will become a tribute to an intrepid outsider. That site will have information that is outside of the scope of UnionOfEgoists.com, but we will slowly be working to expand the material in both places.
When I began the Union of Egoists project I wasn’t aware of what had happened to Sid, and the more people I reached out to, the more I became puzzled that nobody else did either. In my research I finally discovered, after contacting his son, that he had indeed died around Christmas of 2012. So in addition to an archive of his work, we’ve initiated a series called Ubi Sunt and request anyone who knew or were influenced by him to write a short reminiscence. More info can be found in a blog post on the website here.
-Kevin I. Slaughter
*Besides UnionOfEgoists.com, we launched LibtertarianMicrofiche.com earlier this year.
Please consider supporting the Union of Egoists drive to obtain a full set of Libertarian Microfiche Project, find out more here.