“Nietzsche”, a poem by William Walstein Gordak

Clarence Lee Swartz

The following poem appeared in Clarence Lee Swartz’s journal “I” (1898), issue No.5 of January 1899. Today we posted the most information online about a rare early English language Nietzschean journal, edited by Thomas Common. “Why is Thomas Common so absolutely ignored?” was already being asked in 1913, when he was still alive, and alas, it has […]

February 12, 2018

Three translated poems of E. Armand

1845-1945, E. Armand, Poetry

The following poems were originally published in So sang an “outsider” in 1925. They were translated by “J.” in 2004. The dream I dream of a country without suffering where no one groans under the weight of solitude, and hearts dared to hope, with no layers of darkness blackening their desires. A country without tears and […]

January 29, 2018