Stirner auf Englisch

This is a list of all known writings by Max Stirner that have been fully translated into the English language, but whom, and when and where it first appeared.

The False Principle of Our Education, or Humanism and Realism

German: Das unwahre Prinzip unserer Erziehung, oder: Humanismus und Realismus
Translated by Robert H. Beebe (with assistance from Hans G. Helms)
Published: Ralph Myles, 1967

Art and Religion

German: Kunst und Religion
Translation: Lawrence Stepelevich
Published: Egoist Archive (?)

On “The Mysteries of Paris ” by Eugène Sue (review)

German: Über »Die Mysterien von Paris« (Eugène Sue)
Translation (with introduction): Lawrence Stepelevich
Published: Modern Slavery, 2012

The Ego and His Own/The Unique and Its Property

German: Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum
Translation: Steven Byington
Published: Benjamin Tucker, 1907
Translation: Wolfi Landstreicher
Published: ____,2017

Stirner’s Critics

German: Rezensenten Stirners
Translation: Wolfi Landstreicher
Published: LBC Books/CAL Press, 2012

The Philosophical Reactionaries

German: Die philosophischen Reaktionäre
Translation: Wolfi Landstreicher
Published: LBC Books/CAL Press, 2012