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Der Einzige (1998)

Published by Max Stirner Archiv Leipzig Prospectus Coming soon… Masthead Subtitle: Mir geht nichts über Mich! − Ich hab’ Mein’ Sach’ auf Nichts gestellt! Editors: Kurt W. Fleming Contributors: Subjects: Index of Issues 1998, Heft 1 Johann Caspar Schmidt, Curriculum vitae Rolf Engert, Bildnis – Biographische Skizze Rolf Engert, Egoismus, d. h. Ichheit Rolf Engert, Die […]

1845-1945, Book, Stand Alone

SA1023 | Egoism: The First Two Volumes 1890-1892 | Georgia & Henry Replogle

8th issue of the egoist journal Stand Alone (2016).   Egoism: The First Two Volumes 1890-1892 by Georgia & Henry Replogle (Author), Kevin I. Slaughter (Introduction) 212 pages, 8.5×11″, Perfect bound Amazon | Amazon UK | Underworld Amusements Amazon.CA | Amazon.DE | Amazon.FR Egoism was the first journal explicitly based on Egoist ideas in the English language, and […]

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“Fifty Years Later” by André Arru

Here is the second text of André Arru on Stirner, written in 1988 with the title “Fifty Years After”; He was subsequently published and complemented by the first (“Unique and his property of Max Stirner” by René Saulère), by the Libertaire (Le Havre) on six numbers between June 1988 and February 1989, and then in […]

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The Lumberjack / Voice of the People (1913)

MIGHT IS RIGHT were the first words on the first page in the first issue of these newspapers, and the words MIGHT IS RIGHT appeared in the masthead of every issue. MIGHT IS RIGHT was the philosophy of The Lumberjack / Voice of the People, as confirmed by the many references to Ragnar Redbeard and […]

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Hegel and Stirner: Thesis and Antithesis by Lawrence Stepelevich

HEGEL AND STIRNER: THESIS AND ANTITHESIS LAWRENCE S. STEPELEVICH The recent profusion of studies directed to uncovering the “Young Marx” has also provoked some renewed interest in his contemporary, Johann Caspar Schmidt (1806-1856), better known as Max Stirner. With a few exceptions, the most important being William Brazill’s The Young Hegelians, Stirner has been retained in his […]

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The Revival of Max Stirner by Lawrence Stepelevich

THE REVIVAL OF MAX STIRNER BY LAWRENCE S. STEPELEVICH In November 1844, Engels wrote his second letter to Marx. 1 He reported first on a visit to Moses Hess in Cologne, and then went on to note that Hess had given him a press copy of a new book by Max Stirner, Der Einzige und Sein Eigenthum. 2 Johann Caspar […]

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“Max Stirner” by James Huneker

What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own Ego ? That is practically the question put by Max Stirner in his once celebrated, forgotten and now resuscitated book, The Ego and His Own (Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum). Some one has called man a metaphysical animal; he […]

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The Storm (1976)

Introduction Mark A. Sullivan began “The Storm” in 1976 and formed The Mackay Society around 1982. A few different people have been listed as co-editors, but Jim Kernochan was co-editor from Issue 4/5 to 14/15.  The last issue of The Storm known to UoE as of this writing is the Issue 16/17, and it lists Hakim […]

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Stirner and Marx

Stirner and Marx by Alexander Green Max Stirner: a historiographical sketch The impact of Max Stirner’s The Ego and Its Own (1844)1) The Ego and Its Own (Leipzig, 1845). This work appeared in December of 1844, and press copies were available even earlier, as Moses Hess had read and forwarded his copy to Fredrich Engels no […]

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Der Geist (2017)

Der Geist is the name of an English language digital blog and print journal reprinting and commenting on a century of egoist writing, focusing on the 100 years between 1845 – 1945. The journal is edited by Trevor Blake and co-edited and designed by Kevin I. Slaughter. While the blog features news items and features a wider […]